
Showing posts from June, 2010

Origin of consciousness?

I am working on bio-materials and have been learning some very cool things. I am not really working on genetic engineering but I got interested after reading about a new discovery in which a group of scientists have mapped the artificially synthesized genes on a natural bacteria. Artificial genes overtook natural genes and replicated to make new cells. I am not writing this post to explain this discovery but about the ‘questions’ that have been erupted by this discovery within me. Let me first make a background first before raising my questions. We all know there are well-defined and finite number of elements (some may not have been discovered yet) but to our knowledge everything has been made by these elements or their combination. Our body, obviously, must have been made from these elements too. I have been working on making materials and know few techniques to make materials. But anything that has been made by any of the materials, that human has synthesized, can not have his own ...