
Showing posts with the label God

Why does one go to temple?

I am currently studying in Varanasi , which is considered to be one holy and sacred city. One can find many temples like main VT, Sankat Mochan etc. Thousands of people daily worship GOD in these temples. I am also used to go to these temples, at least once a week. God is considered to be supreme power, which controls all things. God is believed to be origin of everything as per ancient literature. I being into research, always try to find logic behind any process, event or thinking. So, one day I was just questioning myself, “what is god? Why am I going to these temples?” I was just going to temples, praying to god without even knowing what is god, but still I was praying to him. So, I started making assumptions like god is nothing but a power which is there to balance whatever you do. If you do something good, he would something good and if done something wrong, he would return something bad. But, once while discussing this with one of my friends; he countered me if this has been