Why do matter exist as solids?

Why do matter exist as solids?

Common forms of matter are solid, liquid and gas. Reason behind existence of matter as any form is governed by interactions between atoms. Electrons surrounding atoms' dictate this interaction. This interaction is what we call as a bond. So, why do atoms interact? Reason for any interaction has to do with decreasing overall energy of the system. There are three possible ways for electrons to interact with electrons of neighboring atoms:

- Atom can share electrons with neighboring atom: known as covalent bond
- One atom gives away its electron to neighboring atom: known as ionic bond
- Atoms share electron with all the whole system, not just surrounding atom: known as metallic bond

Like I said before, driving force for atoms interaction is to decrease their energy. Now, this interaction which is termed as bonds is what keep atoms together and forms solid. Solid will fell apart and form gas if there are no bonds. Now, these bonds determine how atoms stack up- forming structure. I am going to cover this stacking of atoms in next posts. This structure is what determine properties of solids like some are conductive, some not and so on.


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